Throughout 2024, the Volcanic Legacy Scenic Byway All American Road is engaging in an intensive digital marketing program to attract more visitors to the region. Similar efforts resulted in another Byway appearing in over 150,000 Google searches over a 6-month period in 2022. As a result, more people dined, shopped, and stayed along the Byway, generating significant economic development in the surrounding communities.
This year, posts focused on attracting visitors (and business!) to your location will appear on 8 social media platforms 3 times every week. These posts will be enhanced with images or videos and designed to maximize visual appeal. Each will be page-tagged to featured locations, hashtagged, and linked to relevant websites to generate more awareness of and interest in the myriad attractions and businesses offered by the region.
To extend the marketing research and value as widely as possible, posts will also be piggybacked on local events and those locations included in the promotion. The posts will be precisely targeted to attract the target visitor markets identified as those who will be most attracted to the Byway, including:
- Scenic Route Travelers
- RV Travelers
- Outdoor Recreation Travelers
- Natural Exploration Travelers
- Immersive Travelers

There is an opportunity for individual businesses and locations to be featured in the various posts outlined above, depending on the level of participation selected. There will be a total of 1248 available posts during the year, providing plenty of runway for features of all kinds, including news, events, promotions, and more.
To add more value, our members, marketing partners, and sponsors will also receive a weekly email featuring information about making their own businesses more successful. The partnership offer provides an excellent way for area organizations to leverage the wider marketing efforts of the Byway to expand their own reach at a limited cost, all while supporting the Byway and gaining helpful industry insights along the way.
Each level encompasses a different amount of exposure for your organization on the Volcanic Legacy website, our eight social media channels, and in print. Here is what each membership level includes:
Listing your organization on the website under the appropriate category, including business name, street address, phone number, and email address, plus a short description and image.
Listing your organization on the website under the appropriate category, including business name, street address, phone number, and email address, plus a short description and image, website link, and feature in 10 social media posts.
Listing your organization on the website under the appropriate category, including business name, street address, phone number, and email address, plus a short description, 3-5 images, a website link, and feature in 20 social media posts plus page tags in 20 additional posts.
An individual page that includes your organization name, street address, phone number, and email address, a detailed description, up to 6 images, a website link, feature in 30 social media posts, and page tags in 30 additional posts.